How gravity works? How can some particle go up to and grab hold of an atom and go… “here, buddy, come over this way with me, opposite to the orientation I was travelling”?


How gravity works? How can some particle go up to and grab hold of an atom and go… “here, buddy, come over this way with me, opposite to the orientation I was travelling”?

In: 6

9 Answers

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Also, it’s not how gravity works 3:

A good analogy to better understand the curvature of space-time is to imagine traveling on a sphere. If you and a friend set off, walking parallel to eachother on Earth for example, because the surface is curved your paths will eventually cross. Let’s say for this example you friend starts at the equator facing east, and you start at the tropic of cancer, also facing perfectly east. Your friend will stay on the equator, but due to the curvature of the Earth, as you continue walking you’ll start “veering off” the tropic, towards the equator, because the tropic isn’t actually the straight path.

Curved space works much the same way, but with time instead of distance. As time passes, an object within a gravity field won’t stay in the same place. It will begin accelerating towards the center of the field.

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