How hashing works ?


I know there are plenty of materials for this question. But I just can’t help but stuck in data retrieval question. If I know the hash key of hashed data , do I have access to it ?



`SET @HashThis = ‘data’`

`SELECT HASHBYTES(‘SHA2_256’, u/HashThis);`

Let’s imagine hash key is 0x741238C01D9DB821CF171BF61D72260B998F7C7881D90091099945E0B9E0C2E3

Now, if I know this hash key, do I have access to data ?Basically, all attacker needs to know is this hash key ?

If it is not about key and I need algo to get hashed data, then what stops attackers from using this algorithm

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hashing is just a complicated mathematical operation that you can’t reverse, it’s a one way thing. many math operations are applied to the thing you want to hash, and after it’s over it will give you something that can’t be remade with any other input.

There is no hash key or anything, there is a list of instructions called an algorithm that just tell us the math function, we just input the stuff into the function and we get the output, only way for an attacker to reverse a hash is to try every possible input, until they produce the same hash.

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