How important is a brain to complex animal life?


Ive read about how jellyfish essentially have no brain but seem to get on just fine… is there a threshold where a brain, even a rudimentary one, is essential?

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You can probably think about this like our own electronics.

Compare a flashlight to a supercomputer.

A flashlight has a super simple task of turning a light on or off. That’s all it can do but it dose it effectively. There is no need for a processor, GPU or any other important computer parts. There is just no need.

A supercomputer is very complex and the processes that it needs to do requires those complex computer parts. It can also turn on and off a light, if it wants to, but it’s main function is directed elsewhere and at more complex things that it’s specialized for.

Brained animals vs no brain, are the same way. If it’s not needed they won’t have it.