How in the world does physicists explain time? Is spacetime and time different?


When Einstein explained the the theory of relativity and special relativity. He explained time is an illusion and are by perception of the observer. So how does one percieve time? Is it by light? or just.. any event. If its by light. would it explain that the farther im away from something, any change that would take place by that something would by delayed slightly to me because of my distanc, or motion?. and what is spacetime?

In: Physics

2 Answers

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Time is not an illusion any more than shape or size is an illusion. It depends upon speed and location, but is still verifiable, and with but a little math we can all come to an agreement on time at any point.

Time is a relationship between changing things. For instance, how long it takes gravity to pull something down versus an area with less gravity.

For instance, as we currently define it, time is a comparison of how many times a cesium atom can emit an electromagnetic wave during whatever event we are measuring.

So time for you is the interaction of all the molecules, electrons, and light in and around your body.

Space actually also distorts. The two exist together and distort in related ways – their shared existence is spacetime.

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