How insects survive/appear after winter, in especially cold climates


The explanation for insects with short life spans, too be abundant in northern regions, especially northern Canada.

No insects all winter, temperatures reaching below -40. But come summer time there’s flies, bees, hornets, grasshoppers.

I’m not sure if the insects somehow survive the winter, or if it’s just their pupae/egg stages?

In: 11

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Generally three strategies:

1 – Hibernate, and find a nice stump or rock to hide under until spring.

2 – Migrate, and fly to Cabo for the winter.

3 – Die. Make sure to lay some eggs in the fall that will hatch in the spring.

Queen bees hibernate. Monarch butterflies migrate. Cicadas die. Different strategies, but ultimately the same seasonal result in your area.

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