How is a razorsharp kitchen knife safer than a duller one?


How is a razorsharp kitchen knife safer than a duller one?

In: Physics

29 Answers

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I love this question!

When a knife is not so sharp, it struggles to cut through produce/ things easily on a microscopic level.

Luckily for your skin however, it will still cut as easy as a sharp knife, if anything, it’ll leave a rougher cut (microscopic) and probably leave a nasty scar, we’re as a sharp knife, albeit able to cut you even more effectively but it will leave a clean edge cut, which should heal a bit neater.

So, if you are having to rub and press against, let’s say a tomato, there is a higher chance of it rolling or slipping and catching you!

A knife, doesn’t matter the cost of it, should do most of the work when slicing, chopping, dicing, paring and whatever.

Be careful!

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