How is a razorsharp kitchen knife safer than a duller one?


How is a razorsharp kitchen knife safer than a duller one?

In: Physics

29 Answers

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My dad worked as a butcher my whole life. I’m pretty sure as kids he said it’s not that the sharp knife is SAFER, it’s that the cut is smoother/cleaner. Pretend we are all tomatoes. When you cut a tomato with a sharp knife, it cuts. Clean lines, slices right through. Try a butter knife…you might be able to get a slice off the tomatoe, but it will be a “hack job” (his fav words). The tomatoe will be torn and smushed. Same concept. Both can cut you, but a clean slice is safer and easier to repair than mangled torn skin.

The idea sounds believable, but if I’m choosing which I had to let my child attempt to cut with, I’m def not choosing a razor sharp butchers knife lol. But prob a duller knife that will still cut with pressure. So he can learn without one mistake costing us $2,000 and an evening doesn’t in the Emergency Room. Even if that cut to his hand is pristine, straight and clean as a cut can be…no thanks.

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