how is an audio signal carried through electricity?


What attribute of electricity holds the information, i.e. the positive and negative movement of the speaker cone? How does that signal stay intact when going through things like capacitors etc.

I really don’t understand electronics.


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4 Answers

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the speaker cone is attached to a magnet next to an electromagnet. very the electricity in the electromagnet and you move the speaker cone in exactly the same way. The signal DOESNT stay intact going through a capacitor, so its very carefully NOT sent through capacitors.

The actual sound signal only goes through 4 devices. Resistors (decrease volume), amplifiers (any thing that works like a transistor) (increases volume), speaker (makes electricity into sound) or ADC (Analog Digital Converter, makes the sound into a digital file a computer can handle)

The rest of the setup might have a bunch of pieces in it (such as capacitors), but the sound doesn’t directly go through any of them

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