How is artillery so precise?


Firing hundreds of KM in some cases, accurate within a few hundred feet? How is that possible? And how do they “dial in” new coordinates exactly? It all seems like magic to me

In: 706

30 Answers

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GPS helps. This gives the artillery battery pieces accurate locations, and accurate relative locations for each gun in the battery. The forward observer also knows where they are, and this helps them locate the target zone extremely accurately. The GPS co-ordinates of the target are fed into the targeting computer, and math does the rest.

Modern artillery also use radar or other mechanisms to track the spotter shell in flight – this fills in a bunch of unknown quantities such as wind direction and speed, and any other atmospheric conditions. This allows the entire battery to correct for these factors even before the spotter shell has impacted.

The guns will be networked – this allows the co-ordination of a vast amount of firepower. Multiple rounds fired from multiple guns on multiple trajectories all timed to drop on to and blanket the target area within a few seconds – no time to react, and no place to hide.

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