How is autism actually treated? You hear people saying the diagnosis changed their kids life or it’s important to be diagnosed early, but how?


How is autism actually treated? You hear people saying the diagnosis changed their kids life or it’s important to be diagnosed early, but how?

In: 4189

48 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The most simplified way I can put it is this:

Imagine you are playing a video game, but you keep failing, struggling or doing things wrong while others seem to have a really, really easy time with that game.

One day, somebody helps you figure out what is different about your game.

It turns out all of your controls are inversed, all the buttons are also glitchy and the cable to the gamepad is a bit damaged. Yes you put some tape over it ages ago but it still messes with how you play the game.

Also, huh, turns out your game is set to Hard Mode and others have it on Medium or Easy.

You can’t switch out your controller or ask for a new game, everybody gets one, that’s it.

But you now have an easier time understanding why things happen the way they do, when they do, and you at least have a better idea of how the controls work.

This lets you develop strategies that work for you, it lets you know how to hold the controller so the cord doesn’t mess with you as much and that maybe that right-stick drifts a bit more than you thought.

Somebody could even help you find even better game guides or help you learn to use that glitchy controller even better.

You’ll never get to game on Easy Mode, but maybe, with enough digging into the code, you can set the game to Challenge, or even Normal, instead of Hard. You’ll still have the controller messing with you, but you now sorta know how to deal with it, even if it is still the exact same gamepad you started with.


Would you like to know this when you’re 8? Or 28?

How would your experiences through the game differ?

Because you only get one of those, and you keep playing it throughout life.

This is not to say that others can’t also have glitchy controllers, some could even have controllers way worse than yours, but they have learned to hide that fact when gaming together, it just takes a lot of extra energy.

Meanwhile, others might have a small bug, or a sticky L-trigger etc. Something that makes some aspect of the game harder, just not everything all at once without knowing what’s wrong.

Knowing what’s different about your game and your gamepad makes it easier for you to play the game, to the point where you can at least get closer to having the same terms as others around you.

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