How is autism actually treated? You hear people saying the diagnosis changed their kids life or it’s important to be diagnosed early, but how?


How is autism actually treated? You hear people saying the diagnosis changed their kids life or it’s important to be diagnosed early, but how?

In: 4189

48 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I was diagnosed at 28 after my panic attacks were so severe I finally sought help. (I hyperventilate, eventually can’t take in new air because I can’t breathe out, my limbs go numb from oxygen deprivation, and I do a fair impression of a fish on land until i fully pass out or get myself under control).

For me, my diagnosis meant being able to identify and understand my overload triggers (to even know to look for that!).

Once I realized my panic attack were triggered by over visual stimulation, I found some things to help.

Sun glasses in the grocery store. Park in the roughly same place so when you feel panicky and have to leave you can find your car (if the 1 aisle is too full to park I shop another day).

I’m now 41. I’ve found ways to reduce my triggers to the point of almost never having public panic attacks again. I don’t think I could have without my (pretty late) diagnosis.

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