How is autism actually treated? You hear people saying the diagnosis changed their kids life or it’s important to be diagnosed early, but how?


How is autism actually treated? You hear people saying the diagnosis changed their kids life or it’s important to be diagnosed early, but how?

In: 4189

48 Answers

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Usually by getting professionals to help with the various aspects that the child struggled with. Obviously autism is a spectrum so symptoms and severity of symptoms vary wildly, but in general emotional regulation, communication with peers and adults, understanding social cues are things many people on the spectrum struggle with.

Here in Canada at least, we get a certain amount of funding per year towards occupational therapists, behavioural interventionists, speech therapists and the like. These people can help teach the child the things that most other “neurotypical” kids learn easily at a fairly young age.

It also generally gets them some leeway, as well as additional help at school, such as a dedicated ea (educational assistant – basically someone to be with them to help them navigate day to day stuff, and help them understand),. It also has the school create an IEP (individualized learning plan) to help the teachers and other staff understand the student better, how they work best, how to help if they’re becoming disregulated etc.

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