How is British comedy different from American comedy ?


How is British comedy different from American comedy ?

In: 2

8 Answers

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Oh boy. This is going to be a thread where people compare the worst examples of American comedy with the best examples of British comedy. That may be because Britain’s comedy generally has had to come to America through fans (perhaps less so now) since not many British shows are syndicated in the US, whereas America will export the most marketable/generic (read:unfunny) LCD. It’s the difference between getting a bootleg from someone with similar taste, or blindly flipping on the top 40 station.

I should provide the disclaimer that I’m talking out my ass and have no knowledge or expertise on this subject. I once heard that they don’t get It’s Always Sunny in Britain, but get all of Chuck Lorey’s vomit. So that basically the basis of my answer.

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