How is cancer detected even before symptoms show up?


Recently saw a baseball video where a man had one too many hotdogs at the game which resulted in him getting stomach pain the next day. When he went to the doctor they detected cancer in him and treated him.

How is it possible to detect cancer even before the symptoms show?

In: 3

6 Answers

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The real question here is in fact the reverse question: how is it possible that cancer exists for a while but without causing any symptoms.

And the answer is that inside our body there is a lot of space and not too much pain feeling nerves. A cancer can grow and not do any detectable harm. Most organs can be pushed away a little bit (like a few centimeters) without you even noticing it. Body is not made of solid materials (except bones), our body is more like jelly balls held together by the skin. (Okay, some exaggeration here.)

And that is why usually a symptomatic cancer is too late, it is already big enough to push something important.

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