How is coffee 0 calories?


How is coffee 0 calories?

In: 4780

38 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because is basically flavored water

I love coffee i count each cup we 5 calories black no sugar
I am counting calories because i am on a diet.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The basic idea is that our bodies can convert food into energy and we measure the amount of energy in the food or drink as calories. Coffee, plain and without anything added to it, has so little of that sort of energy in it that it might as well be zero. It’s primarily water with flavoring coming from ground up coffee beans. But it’s still mostly water, and there’s not enough of the coffee beans in the drink for your body to convert into energy.

If you add sugar or milk to it, then it has calories. Those are things that our bodies can easily convert into energy.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

It may not be zero but it would be so close to it to be not very meaningful to account for. An average adult human (in round numbers) uses about 1 calorie per minute.

Based on the toxicity of water and the caffeine content of coffee, someone drinking 8 oz cups of coffee would very likely die of caffeine or water poisoning before they gained any meaningful amount of calories from the coffee. (estimated that for an 80 kg human, around 30 cups or 240 oz of water drunk quickly can be lethal)

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because is basically flavored water

I love coffee i count each cup we 5 calories black no sugar
I am counting calories because i am on a diet.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The basic idea is that our bodies can convert food into energy and we measure the amount of energy in the food or drink as calories. Coffee, plain and without anything added to it, has so little of that sort of energy in it that it might as well be zero. It’s primarily water with flavoring coming from ground up coffee beans. But it’s still mostly water, and there’s not enough of the coffee beans in the drink for your body to convert into energy.

If you add sugar or milk to it, then it has calories. Those are things that our bodies can easily convert into energy.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

It may not be zero but it would be so close to it to be not very meaningful to account for. An average adult human (in round numbers) uses about 1 calorie per minute.

Based on the toxicity of water and the caffeine content of coffee, someone drinking 8 oz cups of coffee would very likely die of caffeine or water poisoning before they gained any meaningful amount of calories from the coffee. (estimated that for an 80 kg human, around 30 cups or 240 oz of water drunk quickly can be lethal)

Anonymous 0 Comments

Coffee probably contains a little bit of calories, but if you were to evaporate the water, you would be left with very little material, some of which is non-digestible fibre, so not much digestible content that can be turned into energy.

As well, the caffeine in coffee stimulates you to be more active and causes things like faster heart rate that burn more calories, so it actually causes you to expend some calories, that might partially or even wholly compensate for the tiny amount of calories it may contain.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Coffee probably contains a little bit of calories, but if you were to evaporate the water, you would be left with very little material, some of which is non-digestible fibre, so not much digestible content that can be turned into energy.

As well, the caffeine in coffee stimulates you to be more active and causes things like faster heart rate that burn more calories, so it actually causes you to expend some calories, that might partially or even wholly compensate for the tiny amount of calories it may contain.