How is Costa Rica so stable?


It is right in the middle of some very unstable nations. Panama I can understand, the US wants it to remain stable for the Panama Canal. But how is Costa Rica so stable even thought they don’t have anything like that? Or do they and I’m not aware of it?

In: 842

51 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

•. People in Costa Rica work together like a big team and always make sure everyone has fun and is happy.

• Costa Rica has leaders who make sure everyone follows the rules and is treated fairly.

• Costa Ricans take care of their beautiful country with forests and oceans so that the animals are happy too.

• Costa Rica invests in education, healthcare, and social programs to create a stable society.

• Costa Rica has a pacifist foreign policy and no army, which means it focuses on development and diplomacy instead of military conflict.

• Costa Rica has strong democratic institutions and free and fair elections, which creates a stable political environment.

• Costa Rica attracts foreign investors because of its stable and predictable political and economic environment.

• Costa Ricans are proud of their culture and traditions, which also contribute to their stability and happiness.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Costa Rica is having a major housing issue right now. A lot of wealthy tech people moved there cheaply, essentially pricing locals out of any chance to buy property. Similar to the US but in the US it is profiteering qnd for now in Costa Rica it is just foreigners. It may not remain too stable going forward

Anonymous 0 Comments

They gained independence with zero violence. This is essentially why they are all “Pura Vida” and have no military.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The US floats it and provides all its military protection.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Costa Rica is having a major housing issue right now. A lot of wealthy tech people moved there cheaply, essentially pricing locals out of any chance to buy property. Similar to the US but in the US it is profiteering qnd for now in Costa Rica it is just foreigners. It may not remain too stable going forward

Anonymous 0 Comments

They gained independence with zero violence. This is essentially why they are all “Pura Vida” and have no military.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Costa Rica is so strong because they don’t have an army. They are so strong because they have mother rights like no other nation. In CostaRica if you are the daughter of a Costa Rican national mother you are guaranteed citizenship if you claim it before 26 in perpetuity. Almost EVERY country in the world has this rule for men and fathers ONLY. In Costa Rica they have it for mothers ONLY. They refuse to fight. They always help ALL immigrants, they have “squatters” rights, if you live someplace and no one charged you rent it’s yours, for so MANY reasons, they just won’t fight, like mothers, they just turn their cheeks, if you think you get a guy on your side without their mothers approval it’s a joke. Women have ALL the rights in Costa Rica. They are ALL mothers. That’s WHY, everyone is okay there.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Costa Rica is so strong because they don’t have an army. They are so strong because they have mother rights like no other nation. In CostaRica if you are the daughter of a Costa Rican national mother you are guaranteed citizenship if you claim it before 26 in perpetuity. Almost EVERY country in the world has this rule for men and fathers ONLY. In Costa Rica they have it for mothers ONLY. They refuse to fight. They always help ALL immigrants, they have “squatters” rights, if you live someplace and no one charged you rent it’s yours, for so MANY reasons, they just won’t fight, like mothers, they just turn their cheeks, if you think you get a guy on your side without their mothers approval it’s a joke. Women have ALL the rights in Costa Rica. They are ALL mothers. That’s WHY, everyone is okay there.

Anonymous 0 Comments

•. People in Costa Rica work together like a big team and always make sure everyone has fun and is happy.

• Costa Rica has leaders who make sure everyone follows the rules and is treated fairly.

• Costa Ricans take care of their beautiful country with forests and oceans so that the animals are happy too.

• Costa Rica invests in education, healthcare, and social programs to create a stable society.

• Costa Rica has a pacifist foreign policy and no army, which means it focuses on development and diplomacy instead of military conflict.

• Costa Rica has strong democratic institutions and free and fair elections, which creates a stable political environment.

• Costa Rica attracts foreign investors because of its stable and predictable political and economic environment.

• Costa Ricans are proud of their culture and traditions, which also contribute to their stability and happiness.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Costa Rica is so strong because they don’t have an army. They are so strong because they have mother rights like no other nation. In CostaRica if you are the daughter of a Costa Rican national mother you are guaranteed citizenship if you claim it before 26 in perpetuity. Almost EVERY country in the world has this rule for men and fathers ONLY. In Costa Rica they have it for mothers ONLY. They refuse to fight. They always help ALL immigrants, they have “squatters” rights, if you live someplace and no one charged you rent it’s yours, for so MANY reasons, they just won’t fight, like mothers, they just turn their cheeks, if you think you get a guy on your side without their mothers approval it’s a joke. Women have ALL the rights in Costa Rica. They are ALL mothers. That’s WHY, everyone is okay there.