How is Costa Rica so stable?


It is right in the middle of some very unstable nations. Panama I can understand, the US wants it to remain stable for the Panama Canal. But how is Costa Rica so stable even thought they don’t have anything like that? Or do they and I’m not aware of it?

In: 842

51 Answers

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Anonymous 0 Comments

CR sold out to USA. Us says jump – CR says How High? And…. US had CR allow for US citizen ownership of oceanfront real estate. Most other self respecting countries at least try to prevent that white washing.

Anonymous 0 Comments

CR sold out to USA. Us says jump – CR says How High? And…. US had CR allow for US citizen ownership of oceanfront real estate. Most other self respecting countries at least try to prevent that white washing.

Anonymous 0 Comments

CR sold out to USA. Us says jump – CR says How High? And…. US had CR allow for US citizen ownership of oceanfront real estate. Most other self respecting countries at least try to prevent that white washing.

Anonymous 0 Comments

US supports them a lot, there is a lot of veterans who moved there because of cheap prices we have a huge U.S. prescence and population spread out and invested in Costa Rica. Besides that, it’s always been a stable country past 20 years with their military being on patrol in the streets and the people, the people are just really good freaken people! Pura vida

Anonymous 0 Comments

US supports them a lot, there is a lot of veterans who moved there because of cheap prices we have a huge U.S. prescence and population spread out and invested in Costa Rica. Besides that, it’s always been a stable country past 20 years with their military being on patrol in the streets and the people, the people are just really good freaken people! Pura vida

Anonymous 0 Comments

I see very good answers, but one of the biggest reasons is lacking: Costa Rica has little to no natural resources (just like other “3rd world” but very stable and democratic countries: Uruguay & Mauritius).

Thus foreign powers don’t interfere with Costa Rica’s internal affairs to try and steal resources.

Anonymous 0 Comments

US supports them a lot, there is a lot of veterans who moved there because of cheap prices we have a huge U.S. prescence and population spread out and invested in Costa Rica. Besides that, it’s always been a stable country past 20 years with their military being on patrol in the streets and the people, the people are just really good freaken people! Pura vida