How is EV greener in the long term than combustible engine vehicles?


Don’t get me wrong. I know the vehicle itself will have way lower emissions and than a regular gas or diesel vehicle, but what I’m confused on is that they will have to mine to get the raw materials to make these batteries and then once the battery is done it’s lifespan they will need to find a way to dispose or recycle these batteries. Imagine doing that capacity when the whole world has transitioned to EV.

In: 374

33 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Technical shortcomings of EV transition can and will be overcome. However, most of the opposition to EVs is political. Denial of climate change is one of the prime tenets of the ‘patriot’ belief system. EVs are seen as just another method for the Globalists to control the population. Climate change denial and the almost religious adherence to fossil fuels is a problem much more difficult to overcome than any technical issue having to do with EVs and renewable energy

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