How is EV greener in the long term than combustible engine vehicles?


Don’t get me wrong. I know the vehicle itself will have way lower emissions and than a regular gas or diesel vehicle, but what I’m confused on is that they will have to mine to get the raw materials to make these batteries and then once the battery is done it’s lifespan they will need to find a way to dispose or recycle these batteries. Imagine doing that capacity when the whole world has transitioned to EV.

In: 374

33 Answers

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There’s always the false assumption that gasoline is just “there” and freely available. Gasoline is more or less “mined” too (except, drilled and pumped). There are so many steps in gasoline getting to the gas station that people conveniently forget about when discussing mining of metals for batteries. Refining, transport, storage, all consume an insane amount of resources that everyone always forgets about. A similar amount goes into mining of metals, however, the metals in batteries can essentially be infinitely recycled, making their long-term impact lower, while with gasoline, once it’s burned, it’s gone- there’s no recovery of that energy

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