How is food safe and hygienic when you eat it, but not when it comes out the other end? What’s the process?


How is food safe and hygienic when you eat it, but not when it comes out the other end? What’s the process?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Food isn’t really safe and hygienic automatically. We spend lots of time making sure animals are healthy, food is refrigerated, service workers handle it with clean hands and whatnot.

And as for poop itself it’s not actually that unsafe and unhygienic. But it comes out of you and can carry anything you are sick with to anyone else who touches it. So like if one sick person poops in the water supply, everyone who drinks from there is now sick. So from a hygiene standpoint you want to keep one person’s poop from spreading around and getting into other peoples mouths, same as you probably shouldn’t be spitting or bleeding onto other people either.

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