How is gentrification combatted?


I understand what it is and why it happens, but often when its explained it seems like no one ever gets into how it can be resisted, fought, or even outright prevented.

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13 Answers

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Gentrification is part of a process whereby over time, some neighborhoods become wealthier and other neighborhoods become poorer. When neighborhoods become wealthier, some people call it “gentrification”. There is no equivalent word for neighborhoods becoming poorer for some reason.

I’m not sure why we want to only allow neighborhoods to become poorer, but never to become wealthier, as the end result would be eventually all neighborhoods and everyone would be poor. But if we want to do so, the ultimate solution is to ensure that everyone is poor. This way, gentrification becomes impossible.

There would be many ways to ensure that the entire population is poor, such as massive taxes which starve the citizenry, governments stealing most everything from the people, and a wide variety of bad economic policies. Usually people want the opposite, but if the goal is to maximize poverty, it can easily be done.

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