How is gentrification combatted?


I understand what it is and why it happens, but often when its explained it seems like no one ever gets into how it can be resisted, fought, or even outright prevented.

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13 Answers

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There’s very little that can be effectively done to combat it.

The existing soon-to-be displaced residents don’t own the property, in the US often going back to the monumentally racist Redlining era that made it very hard for residents to buy their homes, making it easy for slum lords to buy up everything. So the residents have little to no control over rising prices

Once gentrification starts law enforcement tends to be much more responsive to the newcomers, which means any attempt to keep the neighborhood down is gonna get a police response. Though most folks don’t want to try that anyway, as while they’re living there they want it to be nice.

You can maybe slow it a little with price controls, but these need a regulatory body with teeth who can bring the hammer down on landlords trying to force tenants out, which is hard to get set up.

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