How is it acceptable for us to digest supplement capsules? The shell feels like plastic.


I have some supplements which requires to take with food. I put 2 capsules in my jacket pocket above my left pec. Looks like one of the capsules ever so slightly let a tiny bit out but noticeable when I went to take them.

So when I got home, I wanted to confirm what came out of my pocket was that supplement. I grabbed another capsule and easily took it apart to see the color of what came out.

But then I had an empty capsule shell in my hand, which is much easier to crush when it’s empty, and it felt very plastic like. Is it plastic? It is it similar? I would assume it’s fine to consume but how?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Usually capsules are made of gelatin like substances like collagen or cellulose. They come apart pretty easy too. If you leave a pill in your mouth for long, you’ll notice they break even with saliva

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