How is it possible for scoliosis to be ‘fixed’ without surgery?


Basically, how can they straighten your spine out without having to cut in there and do it manually?

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3 Answers

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A person’s skeleton is growing while they are growing (seems obvious said that way, I guess). Part of growing involves changing shape, which requires the bones of the skeleton to be at least a little changeable/flexible. Scoliosis braces take advantage of this by squishing the entire body to be in a straighter position and letting the body do its growing/strengthening process in the proper shape. It needs to be done before the spine is fully grown, which is why there’s scoliosis screenings for early/pre-teens.

It’s vaguely similar to splinting a bone that is broken. While the bone is healing, it doesn’t care what shape it is in; it just wants to reattach. So doctors will put the bones in the correct place, and then use exterior braces to make sure the bones don’t move out of that place until it has grown strong enough to hold itself in the correct place.

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