how is it possible that it’s cheaper for a company to destroy/throw away inventory?

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My wife has been addicted to watching dumpster diving videos where people end up finding brand new expensive things thrown away by retailers. It made me remember reading somewhere that the reason they do this is because it’s cheaper for them to throw away or destroy their inventory than it is to give it away or sell at discount. HOW???

I don’t see how they could possibly save money by destroying inventory rather than putting it on extreme discount. Surely they could make more money selling at an extreme discount versus no money at all by destroying .

In: Economics

36 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Friend at 3M was once giving away little plastic trays and copper/zinc discs from project that was ending. He had boxes of these.

Transferring these items to other projects would involve accounting labor to correctly allocate expenses and debit original costs. Also manual labor would be involved in moving items. Even admin labor is involved in approvals and updates.

While its possible the expenses are less than the items saved, there are imtangible costs associated with making everyone involved life more complicated.

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