How is it possible that Japan has a 99% conviction rate?


How is it possible that Japan has a 99% conviction rate?

In: 3178

20 Answers

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Easy, their courts are just a rubberstamp formality. The criminal is judged guilty before they ever step into a courtroom, the court is just a public spectacle to show how a righteous state is once again victorious over the despicable villain. The actual judgement is made by investigators and prosecutors by themselves in secret, there is no public due process, just an appearance of one.

At the end of the day, Japan is a democracy, but not a western democracy. The culture is significantly different and their justice system is one of the most startling examples of just how different they are. Normally you see such blatant cangaroo courts only in the shittiest of dictatorships.

And its not like their justice system isn’t effective, it very much is when it comes to making country safe and controlling crime, but its not very just or fair. Nobody can even guess how many they wrongly convict just because the system can’t stand to admit mistakes.

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