How is it possible to see Mercury, Venus and other planets from earth without the use of a telescope?


Hello everyone,

I am doing a science/art project, part of teacher’s college. I am suppose to share a scientific related experience through the expression of art, so I plan to do some graffiti art of the representation. However, I never understood scientifically how this is possible.

For example, during around this time of year, I believe North East to the sun there should be a “star” around sunrise. This star is in fact mercury. I need to explain how this is even possible. I am not a science major, so if some can explain how this is possible please help me out.

In: 2

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m curious as to what exactly is confusing you here?

Ultimately, you can see them because they are up there and nothing is between you and them.

As long as there is ample light and nothing in the way then object that is visible (providing it’s large enough).

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