How is it that all individuals don’t feel the hot and cold weather the same way?


Some days I go out with a big jacket where I saw others with only a t shirt?

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m a big guy, with some muscle and (unfortunately) more fat. I hate the heat. Once I’m hot, it takes me forever for my body to cool down, due to the extra layers of muscle and fat covering my organs. I only wear socks when I’m literally freezing.

Conversely, the same muscle and fat protect me from being cold. I’ve been outside for a smoke break in -40 degrees wearing only a suit, and it didn’t bother me. Sure I was cold, but the door was 20 feet away and I knew I could get warm as soon as I went inside.

If I was stuck miles from home in -40 in a suit, I would have been freezing. So, as another poster said, it’s also about perception.

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