How is it that all the electronic devices we plug into the wall can have varying voltage and amperage needs but don’t burn out when plugged in?


How is it that all the electronic devices we plug into the wall can have varying voltage and amperage needs but don’t burn out when plugged in?

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So some devices like ovens and water heaters that run directly off mains power will absolutely burn out if you hook them to the wrong voltage. Same with devices that use static transformers like an old 24V doorbell transformers.

Most devices nowdays use smarter switching power supplies. By measuring the output voltage and enabling the transformer part time just enough to supply enough current the switching supply can provide as much current as needed at an arbitrary stable voltage to some device.

If the mains input voltage is higher then it switches less often and draws less current. If the mains input is lower then it switches more often and draws more current.

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