How is it that nearly 20% of all Asians are related to Ghengis Khan? I feel like they mean the mongols, but every article I read says Khan.


How is it that nearly 20% of all Asians are related to Ghengis Khan? I feel like they mean the mongols, but every article I read says Khan.

In: 1751

15 Answers

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It’s about 10% of Central Asian genes (not 20% of all Asians). Genghis was something of an organisational genius, or had thought about why previous nomad empires (Hsiung Nu, Turks at al) had quickly fallen apart. Instead of just enrolling tribes as subordinate units when he conquered them, he killed the old leadership, broke the tribe up into standard military units assigned to one or another of the army corps and appointed Mongol officers. The corps were under his sons, and major units under their sons and so on, but with the elimination of all other elite lines, a connection with Genghis became the standard marker of elite status. So marriage with Chinggisid daughters went with promotion, and Chinggisid descent monopolised higher level positions. Pretty much all the princes, chiefs and so on from Mongolia to the Crimea could claim some connection (and they were the ones with the most partners).

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