Motion is relative.
The ISS is traveling that fast according to a point on earth.
To the ISS, everything on it is stationary. They’ve all caught up to each other and are travelling at around the same speed with very little gravity acting on them. Inertia and relativity at play.
The ISS then becomes the frame of reference for the astronauts rather than the earth.
Just like for you. The earth is spinning at a mad speed, orbiting the sun at a madder speed, and hurtling through space who knows how fast. The earth is your frame of reference and you are a point on the earth.
A car then whizzing past at 45mph isn’t actually going that speed to the earth. It’s going the speed of the earth plus the velocity of the rotation plus its own momentum.
To you, it is going 45 mph because you are “stationary” according to earth and they are moving at a speed that is 45 mph different than your relative 0mph.
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