Metals (iron ores) when heated can cool with all of their electrons pointed in the same direction (is in the presence of another magnet. This is why meteors are sometimes magnetic (they get really hot when they enter our atmosphere) . We can do this in a factory, by heating iron and exposing it to a magnetic feild as it cools. (Also interesting, iron that is hot enough to glow brightly is not magnetic! [Curie point] Smith’s check the temperature by trying to stick a magnet to their metals, at certain stages to see if its the proper temperature to forge).
Metals (iron ores) when heated can cool with all of their electrons pointed in the same direction (is in the presence of another magnet. This is why meteors are sometimes magnetic (they get really hot when they enter our atmosphere) . We can do this in a factory, by heating iron and exposing it to a magnetic feild as it cools. (Also interesting, iron that is hot enough to glow brightly is not magnetic! [Curie point] Smith’s check the temperature by trying to stick a magnet to their metals, at certain stages to see if its the proper temperature to forge).
You can temporarily magnetize a piece of metal just by putting it in a strong magnetic field (only for some types of metals). One way to generate such a field is to build a coil of wire and run current through it; the area inside the coil will experience a magnetic field. If you allow a piece of metal to be magnetized in such a way while it is extremely hot, it can cool and become a permanent magnet.
Metals (iron ores) when heated can cool with all of their electrons pointed in the same direction (is in the presence of another magnet. This is why meteors are sometimes magnetic (they get really hot when they enter our atmosphere) . We can do this in a factory, by heating iron and exposing it to a magnetic feild as it cools. (Also interesting, iron that is hot enough to glow brightly is not magnetic! [Curie point] Smith’s check the temperature by trying to stick a magnet to their metals, at certain stages to see if its the proper temperature to forge).
You can temporarily magnetize a piece of metal just by putting it in a strong magnetic field (only for some types of metals). One way to generate such a field is to build a coil of wire and run current through it; the area inside the coil will experience a magnetic field. If you allow a piece of metal to be magnetized in such a way while it is extremely hot, it can cool and become a permanent magnet.
You can temporarily magnetize a piece of metal just by putting it in a strong magnetic field (only for some types of metals). One way to generate such a field is to build a coil of wire and run current through it; the area inside the coil will experience a magnetic field. If you allow a piece of metal to be magnetized in such a way while it is extremely hot, it can cool and become a permanent magnet.
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