How is mass different from weight?


Somebody said they are different because of gravity.

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31 Answers

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Weight is a pulling or pushing sensation. It’s a force. You WEIGH on something. If I stand on a platform, then I weigh on that platform. It has to suffer my weight. Like a thought can psychologically weigh on your mind. Physical objects physically weigh on other objects.

Mass is (on a large scale) a measure of how much of something there is. It also describes how greatly an object is affected by gravity.

Since we spend all of our time in the same gravity well (earth), our mass always results in the same amount of weight. If you are 70kg, then you will weigh about 700N of force. If you went to the moon, you would weigh less than on earth, but you would still have the same mass.

You don’t shrink when you get to the moon. You just push less aggressively.

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