The biggest, most obvious difference that nobody has once mentioned, is that Second Life is run by and for weird perverts.
Metaverse will be run by and for the ultra-sanitized corporate world of Facebook.
Second Life is pretty much free to play unless you are renting out land, or buying goods and services from other users- goods meaning you can purchase a handcrafted body in the shape of a dragon with tits wider than it is tall, and services meaning you can then pay to use that avatar to have sex with someone else’s twelve foot tall wasp avatar with a dick the size of texas.
This is also why Second Life looks so much better than Metaverse. Perverts are very motivated people.
It’s also unfortunately why the learning curve for Second Life is so high. Their system for creating an avatar and putting on outfits or new skins takes a week of tutoring because, again, perverts are very motivated people.
Metaverse will be easy to operate and will also be boring, sanitized, and ugly as hell. I’ll stick to the wild world of weirdos any day.
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