How is “metaverse” different from second-life?


I don’t understand how it’s being presented as something new and interesting and nobody seems to notice/comment on this?

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22 Answers

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Most people don’t notice/comment because there’s no reason to comment on something about which you don’t care.

One difference between the two will likely end up being the competence of the execution. SL had profound scaling issues, but for as bad at they are at most things, Facebook is pretty okay at scaling. And to their credit, it’s not unreasonable to entertain the idea that a less broken version of something might do better in the market.

Another difference is the role of identity. SL lets people be more or less whoever (and typically whatever) they want, which became very _very_ silly. Facebook, on the other hand, wants the you in the Metaverse to be connected to the you in meatspace. Thus, it’s a far more restricted experience.

It’s also different in that SL wasn’t taxing and thereby driving away its creators.

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