How is my HE drier more efficient if I have to run a load multiple times to actually dry clothes?


I used to have a drier from the late 90s which dried my clothing in one go. The one I have now takes 3 or 4 goes. Apparently the new one is more efficient but I don’t understand how that can be.

Wouldn’t it take up more energy due to the extra cycles?

edit- I would really appreciate it if someone explained how the drier is more efficient than my old one instead of questioning my laundering habits. I clear the lint trap and load small loads. I even switch the settings to “most dry”. I’m not the issue here. This “high efficiency” drier is.

In: 27

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I am not sure what is wrong with your dryer making it take multiple cycles. This can be caused by a lot of different things. Clothes dryers are essentially simple devices, they have a fan and a heater. Air is heated up and forced through the clothes making them dry.

The first effort to make them more efficient was to add a thermostat and hydrostat to monitor and control the drying process better. So the dryer will actually cut off when the clothes are dry rather then on a fixed timer. And you can dry clothes on lower temperatures, which even though it takes longer is more efficient because it uses less power for the heating element.

The next effort was the condenser dryers. Instead of just exhausting the humid warm air into the ambient air, preferably outside, these condenser dryers cool down the air using ambient air causing the water in them to condense before heating the air again for reuse. This means you need less power to get the same temperature and all the waste heat ends up inside the house rather then is piped outside. But due to the more humid internal air in these devices they do take longer to dry your clothes and may also leave the clothes a bit humid so you might need to air dry them for a few minutes. You also need to dispose of the condensed water either by manually emptying a canister or by using a pipe to the drain.

Even the condenser dryers are not that efficient. They are often made as part of high efficiency washing machines but they can not be marketed as high efficiency on their own. But there is a type of dryer which are high efficiency. They use a heat pump, similar to the one in an AC unit or fridge, to heat and cool the air for the drying cycle. These are on the market but are quite expensive. So they are mostly just sold in places in Europa with high energy prices. But the current energy prices around the world does make them seam like a worthy investment in other parts of the world as well.

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