How is one dimension possible?


I know math states that a number line is one dimension but I never understood how it exists outside the math concept.

In: Biology

8 Answers

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> I know math states that a number line is one dimension but I never understood how it exists outside the math concept.

Simplest explanation is that no math concept exists. They’re all just something we imagine. It makes no more sense to ask if 3d space exists than to ask if Moby Dick or Voldemort exists. We can reason about these things, we can ask things like, “what color is Moby Dick”, and these questions may have answers, but that doesn’t mean there ever was or will be a Moby Dick.

When applying math to reality, you would try to ensure that the defining math characteristics of math thing are there in reality. Which is partially why math starts out often by just listing the defining features, and then using only those features and nothing else. So if you notice that in reality, something complies with those defining characteristics, well, you know that theorems in math land apply to this thing as well.

Say, if you are able to ignore width of a string, well, there you go, it’s one-dimensional. Time seems to be one-dimensional. Temperature is one-dimensional measure.

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