How is something digitally unduplicatable?


Not a programmer and don’t have much knowledge of code but…

In the physical world though there are ways of duplicating things, i.e moulds in a factory, but most things are unique and not easily duplicatable.

In the digital world, I would presume it’s the opposite, most things are easily ‘duplicatable’ because you can just copy and paste code.

How are things in the digital world made ‘unduplicatble?’

Is it just a case of hiding the code? Therefore it is just difficult to duplicate not impossible.

In: Technology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not really. Because you could always physically copy the storage medium. You can take a drive out and duplicate it. This is often done with data recovery.

But if it is digital, you really can’t stop it it from being duplicated. You can desperately try to control who might be able to run the code with encryption and verifications.

But with programs it isn’t so much about making things uncrackable, it is more about “How long until the program is cracked”. There are people who break encryptions and crack programs just as a hobby. They don’t do it for piracy. They don’t share it, but they do talk about the way they did.

I actually know one who does this as a hobby. He purchases a program legitimately, then breaks them, and the talks about how he did it.

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