How is something digitally unduplicatable?


Not a programmer and don’t have much knowledge of code but…

In the physical world though there are ways of duplicating things, i.e moulds in a factory, but most things are unique and not easily duplicatable.

In the digital world, I would presume it’s the opposite, most things are easily ‘duplicatable’ because you can just copy and paste code.

How are things in the digital world made ‘unduplicatble?’

Is it just a case of hiding the code? Therefore it is just difficult to duplicate not impossible.

In: Technology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically yes. Code can easily be copied and pasted. That’s why companies execute important code at their own servers (the backend) and not on the client side. And applications that run only on the computer (client), like photoshop have their code obfuscated and turned into an executable ( a binary file that only a computer can read). There are programms that try to reverse this process, but the code still won’t be good to read. So you can’t modify it easily and then they hide code to verify that the programm wasn’t modified and has an active license, while on the other hand “hackers” try to bypass said functionality.

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