How is Telegram/Signal better in terms of privacy then say Whatsapp

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As both Telegram and Signal require a phone number to register, so how are they better than Whatsapp in terms of privacy etc.?

What other apps can do something like this? Is it safe to use banking apps in phones?

Lastly telegram has bots and channels which can be used to download movies, books or videos from other social media websites. Can these companies take action against a downloader for piracy?

In: Technology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Telegram definitely isn’t more secure than Signal – It’s owned by Russian company, who is subject to, well, Russia and its draconian internet laws.

But why you can use it for illegal stuff – Russian cops only care that you’re not criticizing the government, they don’t give a rat’s ass about stealing foreign media or selling drugs and such. Russia is paradoxically very authoritarian AND quite free country; the public unwritten rule is that you’re free to do almost whatever you want as long as you don’t stick your nose in politics.

And since it’s Russian, it’s not like Disney or Paramount or Ubisoft or whoever could do much about it.

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