how is the brain able to give us images when we are imagining something?


how is the brain able to give us images when we are imagining something?

In: Biology

36 Answers

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When you see, you aren’t actually seeing what your eyes see. Your brain is taking the information from your eyes, checking to match everything against things you have seen before, comparing it to other things your eyes have seen recently, and then your brain hallucinates a steady, clear image for you.

Right now, you aren’t aware of the holes in your vision, that you can see your nose, or the fact that everything that isn’t in the center of your vision is less in focus and less colorful. What you see isn’t actually what your eyes see, but an image built from what your eyes see.

The same way your brain can hallucinate an image while you see, it can hallucinate as you imagine or remember. And if something is wrong, it might hallucinate the wrong thing or tell you that your imagined hallucination is the reality hallucination.

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