how is the brain able to give us images when we are imagining something?


how is the brain able to give us images when we are imagining something?

In: Biology

36 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Many of us can’t see anything in our minds eye, and I’m starting to think I’m one of them

Of course I can imagine anything I want to. But closing my eyes and trying to visually see or remember something? Not happening.

Maybe that’s why I suck so much at drawing things. I’ve taken a few classes and practiced things like perspective and that helps when I’ve got an idea in mind, but I can’t SEE anything at all if I close my eyes and think of an orange, or a train, or a landscape I want to paint.

I don’t think people vividly hallucinate what they imagine (or maybe?) but the way it is described is… SOMETHING when I feel my imagination is all I have, no visuals.

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