how is the brain able to give us images when we are imagining something?


how is the brain able to give us images when we are imagining something?

In: Biology

36 Answers

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The same way you see something through your eyes.

When you view something your brain creates the image using the visual cortex. If you were to activate the visual cortex in the exact same way your brain wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between that and actually seeing that same image.

But of course you can tell when you are imagining something versus seeing something. The difference is in two different aspects. The first is when you imagine you may simply only activate the brain to simulate seeing that single thing but when you are seeing something you are processing the entire scene along with that something. Its optional effort you dont have to put in when imagining.

Second your brain has circuits that activate that starts the process of imagining that also tell you that this is something you are doing rather than something that is coming from outside. If those circuits aren’t activated then you would not be able to as easily tell it was self created and it would be hallucinating.

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