how is the cloud safe?


Feels like we’re just putting all our stuff out there with a bow on it for a hacker. 🤷‍♀️

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20 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I do this (cloud security) for a living. Here’s the simple reality:

The Internet isn’t safe. That’s sorta the end of the discussion if you’re looking for absolutes.

But is the cloud *SAFER* than your chosen alternative? Possibly. Maybe even probably. Depending on your provider.

There’s a lot of stuff that has to be done right, and if you’re standing up an on-prem hosting environment, you’re probably not going to do them. It’s too expensive, especially over time. And what are the chances that you’ll *actually* get popped for skipping them? But big-ol’ cloud providers HAVE TO do all the basic things right because they’ve got multi-billion-dollar contracts that require a baseline level of safety that is well beyond the budget of most medium size companies to provide.

So, depending on the cloud provider you’re working with, you may be implicitly taking advantage of protections you didn’t even know we’re important. You may even see some of them as annoyances, who knows.

But ultimately, you’re the one making the security decisions for your use case, so there’s ample opportunity to botch it. The internet isn’t a safe place.

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