How is the color of light changed?

406 viewsOtherPlanetary Science

Last night I woke to go to the bathroom and used my phones light so that I wouldn’t wake my partner.

The light from my phone shone through a green glass bottle and lit the wall up green.

Are light particles uncolored and just affected by the colored glass or do they have properties that are changed?

In: Planetary Science

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

1. Absorption. The green glass acted as a filter, absorbing the light that wasn’t green.

2. Fluorescence. Some substances can absorb light at one wavelength and re-emit it at a lower wavelength. E.g. soaking up blue and spitting green back out. This effect is most noticeable under UV light (“blacklight”), because you eye can’t see the UV that the object is absorbing, but it CAN see the visible light being re-emitted, so the object looks like it’s producing light, i.e. glowing.

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