How is the hidden background generated when an object/person is cropped out of a photo?


For example, you have a photo of two people in the foreground and a library in the background. Someone uses software or an app to remove one (or even both) of them from the photo.

What I don’t understand is how they fill in the part of the background that was originally hidden from view by the person standing in front of it. Can someone please explain this to me?

In: 7

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Remember when we where little and our teachers gave us coloring sheets. One of them was a grid and on one half you had say an apple on a table. The other half a blank sheet and where told to complete the picture.

From seeing the apple on a table. You assume the other half is a apple on a table fill it in.

Using photoshop or free gimp is roughly the same but with more technical knoweldge. Like blending blurry spots.

I’m no pro but I spent a solid years of my youth editing player avatars for friends using gimp and gimp tutorials. Which included cutting out charcters or background to add in different effect to image.

People who are pros tho take it to another level of detail through there knoweldge of what there doing.

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