How is the majority of weight loss through respiration?


I’ve read the medical explanation on line but my simpleton brain is still confused. TIA!

*edit* I’m not saying that the way you lose weight is to breathe. I’m referring to the biological process by which your body “disposes” of the weight you lose through diet, exercise, illness, etc.

In: 1

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The way your body uses energy is converting things like carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into forms usable by the body. It’s a bit complicated and depends on an understanding of some biology/chemistry topics to get everything, but the “waste product” of the major form of energy generation is carbon dioxide and water, both of which leave the body via exhalation, with water also leaving as sweat and urine.

Fat is mainly made of different structures and configurations of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. It gets broken down into pieces usable for the body in a process that generates carbon dioxide, which gets exhaled out.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The way your body uses energy is converting things like carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into forms usable by the body. It’s a bit complicated and depends on an understanding of some biology/chemistry topics to get everything, but the “waste product” of the major form of energy generation is carbon dioxide and water, both of which leave the body via exhalation, with water also leaving as sweat and urine.

Fat is mainly made of different structures and configurations of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. It gets broken down into pieces usable for the body in a process that generates carbon dioxide, which gets exhaled out.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The way your body uses energy is converting things like carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into forms usable by the body. It’s a bit complicated and depends on an understanding of some biology/chemistry topics to get everything, but the “waste product” of the major form of energy generation is carbon dioxide and water, both of which leave the body via exhalation, with water also leaving as sweat and urine.

Fat is mainly made of different structures and configurations of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. It gets broken down into pieces usable for the body in a process that generates carbon dioxide, which gets exhaled out.