How is the universe constantly expanding ?


I don’t understand the concept behind the fact that the universe is infinite and that it is always expanding.

In my mind: something expanding assumes that there is space for it to go into, and if that space existed previously, it can’t really be considered an expansion since it was already there.

Perhaps I have misunderstood what is meant through the term ‘expansion’ in this case or made an incorrect assumption, I’d appreciate if anyone could clarify the process for me.

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18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You are thinking of the expansion as if the universe is a room and the walls are moving away from center making it larger. What’s actually happening is the universe is like a giant balloon and galaxies are dots on the balloon. As the balloon expands and fills with air, the dots move away from each other, but aren’t moving along the ballon. Things in the universe, like galaxies, are becoming more distant. The space between things is what is expanding, increasing the scale of the universe.

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