How is the universe constantly expanding ?


I don’t understand the concept behind the fact that the universe is infinite and that it is always expanding.

In my mind: something expanding assumes that there is space for it to go into, and if that space existed previously, it can’t really be considered an expansion since it was already there.

Perhaps I have misunderstood what is meant through the term ‘expansion’ in this case or made an incorrect assumption, I’d appreciate if anyone could clarify the process for me.

In: 1

18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A mind boggling question, what created all the matter in the first place, there must have been a time where there was no matter & space was completely empty of everything, just a one in a million chance there is some sort of afterlife & we’ll find out.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A mind boggling question, what created all the matter in the first place, there must have been a time where there was no matter & space was completely empty of everything, just a one in a million chance there is some sort of afterlife & we’ll find out.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Dont think of universe as a ball that’s growing in size.

The best way to visualize it is this. Imagine a balloon. But the universe isnt inside of the balloon, the universe is the 2d surface of the balloon.(its 2d only for visualization purposes, you can intuitively translate this to 3d later).

Now, you can walk on the surface of the balloon forever, but youll never reach “the end” or the edge. Same goes for the universe.

And what universe expansion looks like is same as how the surface of the balloon is expanding when you blow it up. Every point in space is expanding and getting away from one another at the same time.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A mind boggling question, what created all the matter in the first place, there must have been a time where there was no matter & space was completely empty of everything, just a one in a million chance there is some sort of afterlife & we’ll find out.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Dont think of universe as a ball that’s growing in size.

The best way to visualize it is this. Imagine a balloon. But the universe isnt inside of the balloon, the universe is the 2d surface of the balloon.(its 2d only for visualization purposes, you can intuitively translate this to 3d later).

Now, you can walk on the surface of the balloon forever, but youll never reach “the end” or the edge. Same goes for the universe.

And what universe expansion looks like is same as how the surface of the balloon is expanding when you blow it up. Every point in space is expanding and getting away from one another at the same time.

Anonymous 0 Comments

We don’t know. Theories are thrown around involving dark matter, multiverses, that we’re in a black hole that distorts out detections at a distance…

But the truth is that our human senses can only perceive a small piece of the entire spectrum of light and sound. And then our greatest monitoring systems extend our ability to perceive beyond those limits, but even they only communicate on the spectrums that we know about and can theorize.

Your answer is that we see the universe as expanding, we don’t know why, and what we see and what we know are most definitely only a small piece of what actually Is.

Anonymous 0 Comments

We don’t know. Theories are thrown around involving dark matter, multiverses, that we’re in a black hole that distorts out detections at a distance…

But the truth is that our human senses can only perceive a small piece of the entire spectrum of light and sound. And then our greatest monitoring systems extend our ability to perceive beyond those limits, but even they only communicate on the spectrums that we know about and can theorize.

Your answer is that we see the universe as expanding, we don’t know why, and what we see and what we know are most definitely only a small piece of what actually Is.

Anonymous 0 Comments

We don’t know. Theories are thrown around involving dark matter, multiverses, that we’re in a black hole that distorts out detections at a distance…

But the truth is that our human senses can only perceive a small piece of the entire spectrum of light and sound. And then our greatest monitoring systems extend our ability to perceive beyond those limits, but even they only communicate on the spectrums that we know about and can theorize.

Your answer is that we see the universe as expanding, we don’t know why, and what we see and what we know are most definitely only a small piece of what actually Is.