How is therapy effective when you (typically) only talk for one hour per week?


How is therapy effective when you (typically) only talk for one hour per week?

In: 306

126 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s because, at least for me when addressing my ptsd, all the work happens when i’m at home. An analogy i’ve heard that best describes it is this “The therapist can’t build the house for you, all they can do is give you the tools and supplies and instruct you on how to build it, but you’re the one that has to put the work in.” So all the therapist is doing is giving you tools to combat your specific issues and then checking in with you on your progress and how your implementing those instructions and tell you if you’re doing it right or need to change something, which doesn’t take super long to do, an hour is usually sufficient for most people, really damaged people will require more extensive treatment but for the average person an hour will be fine.

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